Saturday, September 30, 2006

A New Development!

I can't believe it, but it's been over a month since I last visited the gravel pit, the last picture I took was on 8/24! Today, as I approached the Villa Maria entrance the deer tracks had been widened by some heavy vehicle, and I began to worry that the bulldozers were moving in to develop the property. The gate, for the first time, was now actually padlocked. And the caterpillar tread marks were headed right for the Gravel Pit! So I headed down to the Stevens Creek entrance. It too was locked, but I found my way in, reassuring myself that I had got permission to be there from the owners via their legal counsel.

Something felt wrong, but I couldn't tell what. But as I approached the valley the blackenned floor made it clear that a brush fire had filled the valley bottom. There was no smoke and no smell, so the fire had clearly been some days or weeks ago. The fire crew had clearly entered from the Villa Maria entrance and down the southern escarpment. Fortunately the fire had not spread beyond the valley bottom before had been put out.

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me this time to take pictures.

Was it natural? Or was it arson? I'll check the local newspapers and find out!